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Notre Patrie, c’est l’Art !

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Faisons connaissance
Donnons vie à vos idées


Ce projet solidaire, mené pour le compte de l’APEPAC, en étroite collaboration avec les Monuments Historiques, propose au public une sensibilisation à la destruction du patrimoine Syrien par le biais d’un spectacle unique en son genre, au sein même du légendaire château de Coucy !

C’est une véritable visite musicale qui vous est proposée, en compagnie de 4 groupes représentant la France, l’Arménie, la Croatie et la Syrie.

Ahmad Joudeh danse au coeur du château, dans un cadre immersif et atypique, précédé par un mapping stéréoscopique de notre conception !

Ce spectacle est une création originale de Chronix®, en collaboration avec Greg Rider (montage vidéo), Capricorn Production, et avec le soutien technique d’XLR Production.

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Message from Ahmad Joudeh:

My country, Syria, has been deeply wounded by several years of war and this tragedy is still going on. Kids, women, and men have been killed or wounded, and families have been destroyed and forced to flee from the bombs.

So many lives have been taken. Further, the essence of Syria itself has been targeted through the destruction of its historical heritages. The willingness to erase the roots of existence of Syria is there and I cannot accept this situation. That’s why I have used my art to draw the attention of the world to this tragedy and in particular through my performance in the ruins of Palmyra. With dance I want to convey a message of hope and resistance to destruction.

On this quest, I am not alone. Some good friends have come on board. Denis Lamy is one of them. He has proposed that I should perform in an event that will take place in the Castle of Coucy (close from Paris) on the 8th of May 2018. This event will be the opportunity to provide a strong message regarding the situation of Syria and to show how culture expresses values of humanism all over the world.

Whatever the weapons used by those armies of darkness, Art, Hope and Love will never surrender!